Travelling to Messe Stuttgart: Where can I park? Answer: 7,000 parking spaces are available to visitors directly around the trade fair centre and congress grounds. 950 parking spaces are available in the ICS underground ...
Travelling to Messe Stuttgart: We want to come to Messe Stuttgart in a motor home. Answer: There are around 50 motor home parking spaces for around 50 caravans at the main gate. Power and water connections, as well as disposal points ...
Travelling to other events: How can I travel to TC Leipzig? Answer: The website of Messe Leipzig contains information on how to get there. Click here for further information. If you have any telephone inquiries regarding travel, ...
Travelling to other events: How can I travel to Fachdental Leipzig? Answer: The website of Messe Leipzig contains information on how to get there. Click here for further information. If you have any telephone inquiries regarding travel, ...
Travelling to other events: How can I travel to Sachsenback in Dresden? Answer: The website of Messe Dresden contains information on how to get there. Click here for further information. If you have any telephone inquiries regarding travel, ...
Travelling to other events: How can I travel to TheraPro in Essen? Answer: The website of Messe Essen contains information on how to get there. Click here for further information. If you have any telephone inquiries regarding travel, ...
General information: Are lockers available? Answer: There are no lockers due to security reasons. You can leave your luggage in the cloakroom. ...